The secretary of a large company who is blunt and all business, but keeps getting on your nerves. A laid-back, second-generation chaebol CEO who claims to like you, but you can't tell if it's true or not.
Purchase Office Love Story : Your Byside
[Game description]
Thesecretary of a large corporation who is blunt and all business but keeps getting on your nerves.
A laid-back second-generation chaebol CEO who claims to like you, but you can't tell if it's true or not.
This is an office romance visual novel game about two men.
Hee-rim (the protagonist) decides to work at his father's company to fulfill his dream.
On her first day at work, she hides the fact that her father is the chairman and reunites with her crush from years ago.
She had forgotten him for a while.
The moment she sees his face, her heart starts to beat again.
But just as she feels drawn to him again, the head of a new company approaches her...
[Game Features]
- CG with 10 different endings to enjoy.
- 2 cute and simple minigames.
- A female-oriented romance simulation game with free endings.
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Astra Village
To be released
Astra Village
'아스트라 빌리지'는 천진난만한 소녀 클로에가 망해버린 마을과 여관을 부흥시키는 이야기를 담은 게임입니다. 클로에는 마을 주변을 탐험하여 농사,제작 등을 통해 필요한 물품을 수확하고 만들며 마을 사람들을 돕고 이 과정 속에서 마을의 숨겨진 비밀들을 밝혀 나갑니다.