Dungeon Dev Demo

The Demon Lord, after making a secret deal with the human kingdom, has requested your help to develop a special dungeon. A dungeon designed specifically to be conquered by the heroes!

Strategy, Puzzle, Casual
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100% Recommended (4 Participants)
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Dungeon Dev Demo


Game Description

After returning from a covert negotiation with the human kingdom's king, the Demon Lord calls upon you to create a one-of-a-kind dungeon. 

This dungeon is meant to challenge the heroes but ultimately be overcome by them.
As the dungeon developer in the Demon Lord's castle, you will strategically place monsters and traps to create this special dungeon, ensuring it’s set up perfectly for the heroes to conquer!

Consider the roles of the heroes and devise your strategy!
The heroes who venture into your dungeon will have specific roles, such as "Tank," "Damage dealer," and "Healer," each with their own expectations. 

For example, a dealer expects to deal a certain amount of damage during combat. 

Your goal is to design a dungeon that satisfies all the heroes while ensuring they can successfully conquer it!

Experience the level design work of a game developer!
Game developers spend countless hours crafting levels that are challenging yet enjoyable for players to clear. 

Dungeon Dev is inspired by this meticulous level design process. 

As you design a dungeon that satisfies all the heroes and allows them to conquer it, you'll get a taste of the level design work that goes into game development!

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Dungeon Dev

USD 3.40

Dungeon Dev

The Demon Lord, after making a secret deal with the human kingdom, has requested your help to develop a special dungeon. A dungeon designed specifically to be conquered by the heroes!

Strategy Pixel art Single-Only
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