About this game
You wake up in a research facility, having lost your memory and finding yourself amidst a crisis threatening humanity due to an unknown virus. What actions will you take? Without hesitation, you must proceed with the experiments prepared by the facility's AI. To successfully complete these experiments, it is crucial that you follow the instructions provided by the AI. These may serve as important hints during the experiment and occasionally include tips about various functions of guns. If you disregard the AI's instructions or fail to fully understand how to use the guns, your ability to continue with the experiment will be hindered. Each experiment is interconnected; if you fail even one, regardless of how many others you've passed, you'll have to start all over again from scratch. So then, are you well-prepared and capable of understanding this entire process in order to ultimately complete these experiments?
Game features
The game consists of 15 stages, each with 3 guns with different abilities. You can get 3 different guns with different abilities in stages 2, 6 and 8. Once you have all three guns, the difficulty of the stage increases. To activate the doors, moving platforms, and lasers that appear in the stages, you need to find the buttons that interact with them, some of which are toggles and some of which are holds. You'll need to figure out these gimmicks to complete the stage.
A, D : Move
C : Full screen
Q : Change weapon
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Astra Village
To be released
Astra Village
'아스트라 빌리지'는 천진난만한 소녀 클로에가 망해버린 마을과 여관을 부흥시키는 이야기를 담은 게임입니다. 클로에는 마을 주변을 탐험하여 농사,제작 등을 통해 필요한 물품을 수확하고 만들며 마을 사람들을 돕고 이 과정 속에서 마을의 숨겨진 비밀들을 밝혀 나갑니다.