프렌치커넥션 Demo

같은 외모, 같은 키, 같은 몸매, 다른 성격의 쌍둥이 자매. 내가 원하던 사람과, 날 원하는 사람 중 누굴 골라야 할까? 고등학생 때 좋아했던 첫사랑과, 알바 동료로 만난 첫사랑의 쌍둥이 여동생 사이에서 벌어지는 달콤하고 씁쓸한 연애 이야기

Visual Novel, Simulation
구름별 게임즈
구름별 게임즈
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95% Recommended (21 Participants)
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프렌치커넥션 Demo


Game Description

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USD 10.26


A bittersweet love story between twin sisters with identical looks but opposite personalities. Torn between my high school first love and her twin sister, whom I meet as a coworker, I must decide: the one I’ve always wanted or the one who wants me?

Visual Novel Story-based Story Rich
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FrenchConnection (Secret Plus)

A bittersweet love story between twin sisters with identical looks but opposite personalities. Torn between my high school first love and her twin sister, whom I meet as a coworker, I must decide: the one I’ve always wanted or the one who wants me?

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