The Ghost Spot LITE

In search of evil spirits, “The Ghost Spots”

Adventure, Horror, Other
주식회사 팜
주식회사 팜
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The Ghost Spot LITE


Game Description

In search of evil spirits, “The Ghost Spots”

· Synopsis

An unexpected request has arrived.

You are a powerful shaman and exorcist devoted to ancestral spirits.

Your sacred duty is to guide wandering souls — those whose bodies have perished but whose spirits remain tethered to this world — to transcend into the afterlife.

One day, a client mourning the loss of their grandfather contacts you, asking for help finding their grandparents' home.

The moment you arrive at the abandoned house, an unrelenting chill courses through your fingertips, unlike anything you've felt before. An icy, foreboding presence fills the air.

This is no ordinary spirit.

It is neither human nor a mere ghost.

This is a demon, a ravenous spirit — an unholy being.

And you instinctively sense the danger ahead.

· Game Overview

"The Ghost Spot: LITE" is a playable teaser and single-player game 

that offers a sneak peek into the upcoming "The Ghost Spots" set for release in 2025.

The game takes place in Episode 2, one of the many thrilling themes from the full version.

1) Utilize a variety of exorcism and paranormal tracking tools.

2) Capture evidence and identify the ghost! Perform exorcism based on the identified ghost.

3) Enjoy stunning graphics built on HDRP technology.

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