Roasting Report : A Professor Murder

Limited space, limited clues, clear deduction! A detective game where you have to deduct the truth with 10 questions.

Visual Novel
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93% Recommended (71 Participants)
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Game Description

I killed a professor today.

Lee Kang-ul is a detective who solves mysteries during the day and writes novels at night. He visits 유진대학교 with his 조수 유하나.
However, the professional they were looking for was found dead in the school outskirts.

The professor was brutally murdered by someone who was holding gradge against him.

Inside the building he wes mudered, there were two postgraduate studant and one college student...

The convict is here! Collect clues and rebutt testimonies!

Genre: Detective

Playtime: (normal) 40 min~∞ 

Details: Collect evidences and clues in a limited time, and deduct the truth.
Difficulty: (Normal) ★★☆☆☆
(Hard) ★★★★☆


The game has a system for collecting physical evidence while traveling inside the building, and a system for collecting emotions through conversations with witnesses.

Unlike the previous work, there is a pop-up where you can check the clues you have acquired, and there are several collection elements prepared throughout the building.

You will be able to feel the difficulty through a limited time in this work.

On the connection with previous work====================

The game has an indirect connection with "Roasting Report : A Narcotics Murder".

One of the characters in the previous work appears, but you can understand the story even if you don't know the previous series.

On the difficulty====================

The game limits the movement, evidence collection, and movement of characters through a limited time.

The time required is adjusted according to each level of difficulty.

In ease difficulty, some clues are released in advance and the time required is reduced, making it relatively easy to clear.

In normal difficulty, the clues are not revealed in advance, and the time required is slightly increased for tight gameplay.

In hard difficulty, the time required to solve the case increases significantly, so the user has to configure the clear route in advance.

Game Review

Creator/Publisher's other games


To be released: March 25


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