To be released: March 25
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Welcome to Gehenna Sticks University, professor.
You can get a job at the prestigious Sticks University of Hell and graduate two students safely.
Instruct them in numerous ways, including overtime, vigil, verbal abuse, Rejek, etc.
No one will reject the professor's orders, but be careful.
Angry postgraduate demons will try to kill you...
the Member of people produced
Game specs
How to play
How to control game
※ This work contains some shocking scenes or horror-inducing content. ※
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좋아하는 너에게.
좋아하는 너에게.
어느 날 학교에 와보니 책상 앞에 한 편지가 놓여있다. 과연 이 편지의 주인은 누구일까?
뱀파이어 바니걸 첫 고객 무료 서비스! (Full Live2D&Voice)
뱀파이어 바니걸 첫 고객 무료 서비스! (Full Live2D&Voice)
매력적인 바니걸 상담사와 함께 어둠의 비밀을 밝혀가는 두근두근 스킨십 비쥬얼 노벨!
Murders on the Yangtze River
To be released
Murders on the Yangtze River
It is an Ace Attorney-like detective game that takes you on a journey through early 20th century China as you solve a series of intriguing cases. Use your logical reasoning to uncover clues, interrogate suspects, and solve the mysteries.
To be released
A unique real puzzle game using colors in a notebook.