You need the main game, HELL-O-UNIVERSITY , to play this DLC.
Hello University - Radio
To be released: March 25
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Hello University - Radio contains the following content.
How to play it
View the grazing you want to view through a mouse click.
You can click on one of the following functions to view it.
CG: CG illustration list is displayed.
VOICE: The voice playlist is output.
BGM: The BGM playlist is output.
Settings : A pop-up will be displayed to change screen resolution, sound options.
Shutdown : Shut down the DLC executable.
This DLC reveals that it is optimized for 16:9 resolution.
This DLC reveals that it could be a spoiler for the main Blay. (CG, Voice)
Please comply with the terms and conditions when writing a post.
To be released: March 25
Take over as a professor of hell, and guide devil graduate students. Hello University, it's starting now!
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