"Hello, I'm Hiyoru, a new YouTuber!"
It's been three years since I've repeated such greetings.
After being forced to broadcast Hakko, Hiyoru fell into a terrible sense of skepticism, self-destruction, and debt.
Now, the broadcast that I turned on with the thought of being the last broadcast was ridiculous with an unknown algorithm and a huge response
Hiyoru, who suddenly got everyone's attention, became a popular YouTuber(?) and disappeared...
Survive the controversy, the red pill, and the video Donne!
The Survival Story of the New Butuber Hiyoru, "Butuber Paranoia" begins now!
the number of people produced
Production: 유진게임즈
Illustration: 웃상
Spine design: 잡초보호
Logo Design: 가르비
Illustration: 리미
Hiyoru/Ha Yuri: 이세레나
Kuro : 유혜선
Recording: 플러스딕션
Game specifications
Genre: Miyeon-si, visual Nobel, development, strategy
Estimated playtime: 7 hours~
Composition: 2 types of Spine characters
8 CG illustrations
3 Character Voice
Application The 19 endings
How to play it
Users can broadcast for a total of 30 days.
It will be able to answer the audience's questions, and in this case, the story will proceed according to the answers.
You can check the ending before the 30th, or if you complete the 30th.
※ This work contains some shocking scenes or horror-inducing content. ※
Update Log
No.1. Improving CG image
Modify some of the text at the end of number 5
Fix some typos
Please comply with the terms and conditions when writing a post.
To be released: March 25
Take over as a professor of hell, and guide devil graduate students. Hello University, it's starting now!
좋아하는 너에게.
좋아하는 너에게.
어느 날 학교에 와보니 책상 앞에 한 편지가 놓여있다. 과연 이 편지의 주인은 누구일까?